Prix de thèse EGC 2020

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement de la septième édition du prix de thèse de l’association EGC. Ce prix 2020 a pour objectif de récompenser la meilleure thèse soutenue dans les thématiques liées à l’Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances.

Le prix est doté d’une somme de 500 euros, d’une inscription gratuite à la conférence EGC avec prise en charge du déplacement, hébergement (2 nuits), et d’une invitation à présenter les principaux résultats de la thèse à la conférence EGC 2020 à Bruxelles

Dates importantes

  • Date limite de réception des dossiers : 14 octobre 2019 28 octobre 2019
  • Examen des dossiers par le jury : début décembre 2019
  • Remise du prix : lors de la conférence EGC 2020 à Bruxelles

Règlement du prix de thèse

Site de soumission (attention bien choisir le track Prix de thèse)

Huitièmes post-actes

Bruno Pinaud, Fabrice Guillet,  Fabien Gandon, Christine Largeron (Eds.)
« Advances In Knowledge Discovery and Management, Volume 8 »,
Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence,
Vol. 834, 2019, Springer.
ISBN: 978-3-030-18128-4, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-18129-1.

About this book

This book highlights novel research in Knowledge Discovery and Management (KDM), gathering the extended, peer-reviewed versions of outstanding papers presented at the annual conferences EGC’2017 & EGC’2018. The EGC conference cycle was founded by the International French-speaking EGC society (“Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances”) in 2003, and has since become a respected fixture among the French-speaking community. In addition to the annual conference, the society organizes various other events in order to promote exchanges between researchers and companies concerned with KDM and its applications to business, administration, industry and public organizations.

Addressing novel research in data science, semantic Web, clustering, and classification, the content presented here will chiefly benefit researchers interested in these fields, including Ph.D./M.Sc. students, at public and private laboratories alike..

Table des matières

  • Aichetou Bouchareb, Marc Boullé, Fabrice Clérot, Fabrice Rossi:
    Model Based Co-clustering of Mixed Numerical and Binary Data. 3-22
  • Aichetou Bouchareb, Marc Boullé, Fabrice Clérot, Fabrice Rossi:
    Co-clustering Based Exploratory Analysis of Mixed-Type Data Tables . 23-41
  • Julien Hay, Tim Van de Cruys, Philippe Muller, Bich-Liên Doan, Fabrice Popineau, Ouassim Ait-Elhara:
    Automatically Selecting Complementary Vector Representations for Semantic Textual Similarity. 45-60
  • Gildas Tagny Ngompé, Sébastien Harispe, Guillaume Zambrano, Jacky Montmain, Stéphane Mussard:
    Detecting Sections and Entities in Court Decisions Using HMM and CRF Graphical Models. 61-86
  • Yann Dauxais, David Gross-Amblard, Thomas Guyet, André Happe:
    Discriminant Chronicle Mining. 89-118
  • Anne Toulet, Emmanuel Roux, Anne-Élisabeth Laques, Éric Delaître, Laurent Demagistri, Isabelle Mougenot:
    A Semantic-Based Approach for Landscape Identification. 119-136
  • Jean-Christophe Dubois, Laetitia Gros, Mouloud Kharoune, Yolande Le Gall, Arnaud Martin, Zoltan Miklos et al.:
    Measuring the Expertise of Workers for Crowdsourcing Applications. 139-157
  • Benjamin Costé, Cyril Ray, Gouenou Coatrieux:
    Trust Assessment for the Security of Information Systems. 159-181

EGC 2019 (Metz)

Quatre prix scientifiques ont été attribués lors de la conférence EGC 2019 :

Actes Ateliers EGC 2019

Organisateur : Alexandre Blansché

Site de la conférence EGC 2019

Septièmes post-actes

Bruno Pinaud, Fabrice Guillet, Bruno Cremilleux, Cyril de Runz (Eds.)
« Advances In Knowledge Discovery and Management, Volume 7 »,
Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence,
Vol. 732, 2018, Springer.
ISBN: 978-3-319-65405-8, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-65406-5.

About this book

This book is a collection of representative and novel works in the field of data mining, knowledge discovery, clustering and classification. Discussing both theoretical and practical aspects of “Knowledge Discovery and Management” (KDM), it is intended for researchers interested in these fields, including PhD and MSc students, and researchers from public or private laboratories.

The contributions included are extended and reworked versions of six of the best papers that were originally presented in French at the EGC’2016 conference held in Reims (France) in January 2016. This was the 16th edition of this successful conference, which takes place each year, and also featured workshops and other events with the aim of promoting exchanges between researchers and companies concerned with KDM and its applications in business, administration, industry and public organizations. For more details about the EGC society, please consult

Table des matières

  • Céline Alec, Chantal Reynaud-Delaître and Brigitte Safar:
    Combined Approach for Ontology Enrichment from Textual and OpenData. 1-21
  • Amadou Fall Dia, Zakia Kazi-Aoul, Aliou Boly and Yousra Chabchoub:
    C-SPARQL Extension for Sampling RDF Graphs Streams. 19-38
  • Thomas Guyet, Yves Moinard, René Quiniou and Torsten Schaub:
    Efficiency Analysis of ASP Encodings for Sequential Pattern Mining Tasks. 41-81
  • Sathiya Prabhu Kumar, Sylvain Lefebvre, Raja Chiky and Olivier Hermant:
    Consistency-Latency Trade-Off of the LibRe Protocol: A Detailed Stud. 83-108
  • Rabih Taleb, Rabah Mazouzi, Lynda Seddiki, Cyril de Runz, Kevin Guelton and Herman Akdag:
    A Fault Detection Approach for Robotic Systems Combining the Data Obtained from Sensor Measurements and Linear Observer Based Estimations. 109-125
  • Andrés Troya-Galvis, Pierre Gançarski and Laure Berti-Equille:
    A Collaborative Framework for Joint Segmentation and Classification of Remote Sensing Images. 127-145

Humanités Numériques et Patrimoine Culturel : lancement du groupe de travail DAHLIA

Le groupe de travail DAHLIA (DigitAl Humanities and cuLtural herItAge: data and knowledge management and analysis) a pour but de réunir les acteurs (chercheurs ou institutions) qui s’intéressent, dans le cadre des humanités numériques, voire le patrimoine culturel, à la gestion des données mais aussi à leur analyse afin de produire des connaissances. Ce groupe de travail se veut aussi un tremplin pour un groupe de travail international qui traitera les mêmes verrous scientifiques que le présent.

Plus d’information sur la page du GT DAHLIA